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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Even The Smallest Progress is Progress

Now for the reading and writing portion of our program!!

As I've been trying to catch up in all aspects of my life after a family tragedy I had lost track with editing CF so now I'm trying to get back on track with that. Besides trying to put my own book into a place where I can manage my time effectively, I have been trying to achieve the clarity I need to in order to get what I need to done.

That my friends is editing. I have to get the editing done so that I can move forward. With this thought I am still trying to figure out what is the best publishing road to take. I am a member of and I know that connections on Goodreads will help. I need to take one thing at a time now though and since I have the second book in mind already I have to get moving in a most serious way so I have delved back into the editing process and it's a little bit at a time until I can give it solid time at the computer.

Of course I made it more difficult for myself as I have printed out pages that I edit with good old pen and ink and then make the changes via the computer as well so should I chalk that up to my process? Does it help me see things I might have missed? Everyone has their quirks right? I do acknowledge though that it is a waste of paper to do it and it's funny because I only do it on printed pages when I'm not going to have access to my thumb drive.

I have been reading again too and once I looked at my Reading Challenge I'm now 4 books behind. The time of year has come though that I generally read more, again time management of my organized chaos will come into plan. I typically read when I commute and before bed and I do have 3 books on the go right now.

I'm about halfway through and it's been a bit tough to get into because the perspective is from Chaol Westfall's and all of the regular characters are off doing the things they were doing in her last book Empire of Storms. I'm happy though that she brought in another character from her book Assassins Blade. Still reading it so we'll see how it goes.


This is a series that I started and stopped and now started again. It was slow going for me but I'm over the hump I had in the beginning of it. I'm only about a quarter of the way through it and only stopped because Tower of Dawn came out but I can't wait to get back to it.

Last up!...

Now this series I blew through very quickly up until this last book, not because there was anything wrong with it but I had to savour it. The only reason I slowed reading this one is because I got it in hardcover and the book is too huge to commute with or read in the tub! I will return to it though since I actually miss those characters right now!

So that is a brief update of where I'm at right now and after just checking my challenge I'm actually 5 books behind...oh my...

Well I best get on it then!

Talk to you soon!

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